Posts tagged Impact
Halo Animal Rescue

This year, we partnered with local non-profit Halo Animal Rescue to help animals in needs.

We’re running a donation drive for them all weekend long at the 8123 Pop Up Shop. Please bring a donation with you when you come to shop - a small contribution from everyone really does make a big impact!

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8123 Impact Events Happening At 8123 Fest

Two years ago, we launched 8123 Impact - a charity initiative to encourage the 8123 Family to donate their times and talents locally by volunteering in their communities. Since then, we’ve arranged numerous volunteer projects during The Maine’s tours and hundreds of you guys have gotten involved!

Now, we’re going back to the place that started it all, the community of Phoenix, Arizona where we launched Impact. In celebration of 8123 Fest this week, we have arranged some fun volunteer projects in The Maine’s community - we hope you will get involved!

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Special Guest Blog: Joel's Thoughts on 8123 Impact

Let's talk about love. What comes to mind when you read that word? Maybe a song. Maybe a food you like. Maybe a fleeting, glamorized feeling that should actually be called infatuation. Whatever it is, I think we can agree that the word "love" is overused. It's all watered down. It's got no flavor anymore. So how are we even supposed to know what it is today?

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